Select the columns D, E, F, and G using the top row, then right click and delete those rows.

We want to keep column H, ‘HC03_EST_VC01’, which shows the percent below poverty level for the population from whom poverty status is determined.ĭ. You can find more information about what each column contains by opening the ‘ACS_11_5YR_S1701_metadata.csv’ file in Excel. For this project, we are only concerned with percent below poverty and we will discard the other data as well as the margins of error. Make a copy of your dataset in case you accidentally erase something you later realize you need (File → Save As, and save as ‘NashvilleTractsPoverty’)Ĭ. This file contains the census data values.ī. Then open the ‘ACS_11_5YR_S1701_with_ann.csv ‘ file in Excel. Right click the downloaded ‘ACS_11_5yr_S1701.zip’ file and choose ‘Extract All…’ to unpack the. A natural first step is to eliminate unnecessary data. Factfinder datasets often come with more information that is necessary for your interests. Upon downloading your chosen census variables you must open your data in Excel and properly format the worksheet before adding it to ArcMap and joining it to a GIS shapefile.
Click the ‘Download’ button at the top and select the first option to download a comma delimited file for your data in a single file. Since you have now made your geographic and variable selections, you can click ‘Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months’ in the ‘’ box and you will see a table for the Poverty Status variables for the Census Tracts in Davidson County, TN.į. Click ‘Topics’ on the left and then choose ‘People’, then ‘Poverty’, and click ‘Poverty’ again, at which point it will be added to ‘Your Selections’ at the top left and you can close the ‘Select Topics’ box.Į. You have now added those Tracts to ‘Your Selections’ at the top left of the FactFinder page and you can now close the ‘Select Geographies’ box. Select ‘All Census Tracts within Davidson County’ under ‘Geography Results’ and click ‘Add’. You will see that your ‘Geography Results’ on the right have been limited by your choices under ‘Your Geography Filters’ on the left. Choose ‘Within State’ and select ‘Tennessee’ and then choose ‘Within County’ and choose ‘Davidson’ (which is Nashville).Ĭ. You will then be given options to narrow down your tracts.

In the ‘Geography Filter Options’, select ‘Census Tract’ as your Geographic Type. In the ‘Select Geographies’ window, choose the ‘Name’ tab. Go to American Factfinder and start by clicking on ‘Advanced Search’ then ‘Show Me All’ and click ‘Geographies’ on the leftī.

Census Bureau᾿s American Factfinder and census Tiger Line shapefiles and then join the two and display the data on a map.
This tutorial will demonstrate how to format census data tables from the U.S. 18 July 2013 Joining Census Data Tables to Shapefiles in ArcMap